Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ACT XII: Twelve is the lonliest number

ACT XII: Twelve is the lonliest number
By Partners in Rhyme

Thought clouds above your head
Thunder clouds above my heart
It's a cumulo-nimbus gone awry
Rye. Rye bread. You never liked wheat
You preferred white -- why?
Yes, why?
Why did you prefer hate to love?
Why did you prefer Arthur to me?
And why didn't you bring your spectacles
On your long journey to Peru?
Questions without answers
Ends without beginnings
Brooms without handles
Sons without their father's love
I remember the night when I came home
Whiskey on my breath and
Pena en mi corason
Ay dios mio!
I am thrown to the wall
And he is there--
Big, mean, terrible
Like a hurricane
Like a volcano
Like a size 36 belt--
I awake in a cold sweat
Father is gone
I am alone
With only my thoughts for company
Some company they are!
I fear this is the end...
But it is only the beginning.



  1. I was kind of hoping you'd say 'pene en mi corazon'--penis in my heart.

    I am twelve.

  2. We were all thinking the same thing, don't worry.
