Tuesday, March 31, 2009

When I was in fifth grade, I heard a bunch of rumors about what middle school was like. There was one thing in particular that blew my mind and it's this:

If you walk up the "down" staircase or down the "up" staircase, you're gonna get a DETENTION.

In fifth grade I lived gemly (as I did in sixth grade and every other year of school to this day), and therefore was more than slightly opposed to getting in trouble. Ever. For any reason. And so I stressed: HOW WOULD I KNOW WHICH STAIRCASE IS WHICH?! WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO MY FUTURE IF I GOT DETENTION?!

As it turned out, only hoodlums walked up the wrong staircases, because the stairs were clearly labeled, and it would have been crazy to move against the flow of traffic. I remained well within the law as usual.

1 comment:

  1. reminds me of chicken soup for the preteen/middleschooler soul. My fifth grade teacher read it to us to help the transition and I wasn't afraid of middleschool until I heard all the stories of anxiety like this one.
